Tuesday 13 April 2021

Ramadhan satu

I just finished my Kanji class wee~
Rasa seronok pula hidup macam ni weh. Kalaulah hidup ni belajar je dan duit kepok2 masuk, kan best XD
Anyway~ sempena bulan Ramadhan ni tetibe teringat dan insaf kejap.
Belajar Jepun bukan main tekun, kalau mengaji tajwid ntah kelaut bagai. Taktau makhraj betul ke tidak.
Rasanya kena ambil lah weh kelas mengaji. Sebab jujur aku cakap mengaji aku ni memang tahap budak2 je. Entah2 aku lagi pandai Kanji daripada Al-Qur'an, astaghfirullahal'azim...
Kalau belajar bahasa Arab pun best juga kot kan?
Better masuk kelas Iqra'?
Eh best gila kalau camtu! 
Tak ku sangka menimba ilmu ni seronok, kalau tahu dari sekolah dulu dah rajin.
Ni time kat sekolah pemalas tak boleh bincang. Dah tua ni baru terhegeh-hegeh nak belajar macam-macam kan.
Tapi kan, ilmu tu sebenarnye luas sangat. Kalau kau online sentiasa pun tapi online kau tu cari info, cari ilmu, tengok video bermanfaat, dengar Spotify surah-surah, boleh je kumpul pahala tau.
Nak dengan taknak je. Use your gadget wisely :)

I can't think of a good title...

I could catch my breath now. Yeay.
Truth is, this afternoon, I went to my 'to be' school.
And I chickened out.
I don't know why, but I felt so alien.
Probably because I have left the daily student life for like 10 years?

Definitely different from the training time masuk Malaysia Airlines back in August 2013.
At that time excited ya amat, walaupun kerja Call Centre Agent, tapi hati tu berbunga-bunga seronok sangat belajar new things setiap hari. Especially time belajar the Airport Code, A-Z alpha bravo charlie delta tu. Mungkin job training lain daripada kelas kot kan? Sebab dapat gaji? Hehe~

Okay berbalik kepada why I chickened out.
Seriously, tak tahu kenapa. Padahal kelas aku ni semua pun beginner. Kenapa nak takut sangat kan?
Sebab aku tua ke? Takut nanti lampi bila belajar?
Tak tahulah weh, I rasa sangat-sangat overwhelmed. 
Probably the environment.
Tapi seronok pula bila ternampak sign board Surau.
Like I tak payah risau tempat tu boleh solat ke tak since terpampang besaq di situ~

So masa jalan balik nak pergi bus stop tu rasa negatif takleh bawak bincang. 
Selama ni diriku selalu dapat reasoning with my own self untuk jadi positif, tapi tidak tadi. 
Lain macam weh feeling dia.
Dalam bas pun khayal lagi, sampai terperasan bas dah berhenti kat Nu Sentral terus aku turun sebab nak singgah belikan Banana Bread untuk Kaklang dari Boost Juice Bar.

Dah kat situ, aku pun terrrbeli satu air Boost tu, tertarik selepas tengok dia tulis situ kalori cuma 150-250 je satu cawan. Budak Boost tu pun bersungguh-sungguh layan customer, sejuk hati aku yang gundah gulana masa tu. Aku beli Mini Me Mango, boleh la tahan tapi masam juga rasanya. Duduk la aku melayan perasaan seorang diri.

Dekat nak pukul 5 pm baru ku gerak balik. Ingat nak singgah The Loaf beli benda ala scone cheese tu tapi tetiba tak pandai jalan tak jumpa pula The Loaf tu haha LOLz. Last-last aku balik je. Rasanya fikiran aku tu dah menerawang jauh sangat sampai jadi entah apa-apa. 

Balik rumah sedut White Angelica, wanginya masya Allah...lega kepala aku sikit.
Ok belanja gambar sekeping.
Kau yang membaca, kirimkan doa yang baik-baik untuk aku ya?

Monday 12 April 2021

13/4/21 - Turmoil

Scarier than I thought. 


Feeling vulnerable.



Kind of stressed.

Exactly a week from now, I'll be in a new environment. For 20 months. Hope I'll be able to shake off these feelings as soon as possible. 

Friday 9 April 2021

Just another day~

As soon as I complained about my bro and sis (previous entry), things changed for the better today.
Hahaha...maybe that's how life works, so that's why we shouldn't complain. Patut sabar je kan. Because rainbow will always appear after the rain. Gituh.

Today my original plan of going to my 'to-be' school was busted. But it wasn't too bad. Because generally I wasn't feeling very well today from morning up until late evening. So I just do some laundry, continue reading the book about Baqi' cemetery, do a little N5/N4 exercise, and the rest were watching TV, play Duolingo, play some other mobile games and check out socmed a little. Hey, I'm liking myself more that I am spending less time on IG/FB. Those 2 actually sucked out a lot of my life before this. As I spent less time scrolling the 2 buggers, I began to have more time for many more stuffs. Yeayy~

Tomorrow, many stuffs already in my head. After morning gym (hope I'll wake up on time), I should contact the tailor for updates on the sewing machine, if it is done, gotta bring it straight away to Nek Ramlah and Tuk Din. If not finished yet, I might go to my 'to-be' school to survey the place by public transport, have to settle car insurance/road tax. If I go to the school, I want to stop by The Loaf Nu Sentral to buy that super yummy scone-look alike thingy but not a scone. It is a soft kind of baked goods sprinkled with cranberry chunks and filled with cream cheese fillings. 

Ok, now I am already out of things to say.
I'm gonna stop here. Bye bye~

Thursday 8 April 2021

No title~

Long time no see, no update.
The last time aku pernah post tentang aku ada 3 hutang besar yang aku risaukan kan?
Guess what, aku bersyukur sangat2 sebab aku dah berjaya menyelesaikan 2 daripada 3 hutang tu.
Yang pertama sekali, aku berjaya juga gagahkan diri ke rumah Pakcik R tu untuk sampaikan hajat Mama. Aku rasa lega sangat sebab bukan senang nak menanggung amanah orang yang dah meninggal ni.

Dah settle yang tu, aku contact pula kawan yang boleh tolong aku passkan souvenir Australia pada Cik Man. Walaupun dengarnya Cik Man dah resign, tapi nasib aku baik alhamdulillah, sebab bini Cik Man masih ada lagi kerja kat tempat kawan aku tu, so settle la passkan kat bini dia je.

Dan akhir sekali aku contact D, sebab dulu pernah terjanji nak belanja dia makan time dia tolong buatkan logo Cookie Girl tu. At first dia dah bagi tarikh 04 April, which is good sebab aku kalau boleh memang nak settlekan semua ni sebelum puasa. Tetapi apakan daya, beberapa hari selepas set tarikh tu D mesej bagitau yang pasal dia kena buat swab test (berkenaan kerja), dia perlu kuarantin beberapa hari dan terkena lah tarikh 04 April tu.

Shouganai ne...aku tanya la bila tarikh lain yang boleh? Lepas raya OK ke? Atau kalau 11 April OK tak?
Sampai ke sudah tak berjawab...hmm entahlah. Kalau susah sangat nak belanja secara proper aku rasa aku hantar FoodPanda je kot.

Kadang-kadang rasa agak tertekan. Nak make time untuk study, collect steps untuk one million steps challenge (nasib baik ni dah nak selesai), pergi gym pagi2 (kalau tak kang tak workout pula), kemas rumah (part ni memang aku seketul jelah berharap kat diri sendiri), kumpul barang recycle. Well, nampak macam some of them ialah benda yang aku gatal2 join macam larian tu tapi tulah, sebab memang minat aku kan. 

Beza betul la bila tak ada mak ni. Dan juga rasa tertekan bila nampak Bangah dan Kaklang macam 80% hidup dalam handphone. Aku kadang rasa macam sorang2 dalam dunia sebenar ni. Bukanlah tak ada langsung mereka dalam dunia sebenar, ada, tapi sangat lah sedikit. Aku rasa macam tak sabar pula nak tinggalkan rumah ni. Tinggal sorang pun lagi tak lonely daripada tinggal dengan orang tapi macam tak ada. Tapi aku tetap bersyukur jugalah bila mereka boleh tolong bab makanan, buang sampah. Kalau 100% aku buat rasanya boleh gila kot. Mana tak gila, tiap2 hari nampak ada orang dewasa cukup sifat kudrat kuat tapi dok mengadap phone berjam-jam. 

Dah jadi bebel pulak. Sebenarnya aku sangatlah tak suka complain, dan aku selalu rasa macam aku ni tak ikhlas buat kerja bila marah kat dorang. Ntah2 yang dorang buat sikit tu dengan ikhlas hati sedangkan aku, buat banyak ikhlas takde. Astaghfirullah...

Ntah la, rasa penat sangat, serious.
I need a hug.
Kalau nak kata menyesal tak kahwin awal, tak juga. Sebab memang selama ni pernah click dengan 2 orang sahaja. Itupun yang first reject aku dengan sangat mengguris hati aku sebab dia nak balik kat ex, yang second tu pula sangatlah complicated dramanya dan ada part aku menyesal rasa aku yang bodoh, tapi bila tengok akhirnya dia dah kahwin dengan seorang perempuan yang nampak pun baik, sweet, aku rasa macam takdelah bodoh sangat kot aku ni. Cuma aku termasuk dalam drama cintan dia yang akhirnya melorongkan dia untuk bertemu jodoh dia yang sekarang.

Aku pun memang bukan jenis rebut pakwe orang.
Dulu pernah crush kat MPP FSKM, awal2 tu nampak macam kita sama2 crushing.
Sampaikan selepas dia tegur aku kat Konvo waktu aku main gamelan tu, dia jaga gerai MPP jual bunga time tu, setiap hari aku pergi tengok kedai bunga tu mengharap jumpa dia lagi tapi takde dah, dorang ada roster dorang XD

Last2 one day tu aku dapat tahu yang dia ada girlfriend, sama course dengan dia. Start dari tu aku jauhkan diri, kalau nampak dia dari jauh pun aku buat tak tahu. Alhamdulillah sekarang dia dah kahwin dengan girlfriend yang sama tu, dah 2 anak dia :) Nasib baik tak rebut dulu walaupun ada spark (ni aku tak kira prospect kahwin sangatlah sebab memang cinta monyet tak pernah heart to heart talk ke apa atau mesej2 pun, just setiap kali jumpa mesti ada je nak interact walaupun takde benda nak cakap pun LOLz.

So itulah, I hope the third prospect that I am yet to meet will have that kind of spark n connection I was always looking for.

Sebenarnya ada, cuma orang ini seems so unreachable and we almost had never met (ataupun pernah tapi aku yang tak perasan). I don't know why but I felt the connection. Probably in one of our conversation that was, very near to the heart. I like the fact that he have his life and personal interest, when we chat, I did not feel like he was trying to impress me. He sounded genuine and original. He doesn't try to like what I like or overly praise things about me. 

He is a friend's friend. I don't know much about him. But I have a good feeling about this guy. But because he seems too good to be true, and because of the spark I felt, I am positive he doesn't like me the way I like him, he probably didn't notice me or already forgotten the whole conversation and probably, the conversation had never left any impact or spark in his life. He probably are liking and chasing another girl who is gazillion times better than me in every aspect. Lebih cantik, lemah lembut, berhemah, pandai, tinggi, etc. Anyway, I will pray for his happiness. I think that is the purest way of loving from a person who already lost hope in love. I wonder who is that lucky girl? I hope she will be able to have the spark and connection and treasure this guy more than I could ever imagine.

Meanwhile, I will study hard and inshaa Allah one day, I will globe trot, volunteer for charity, conduct free classes, reevaluate my manners to reintroduce Islam to people around the world by being a good person myself, and finally be able to go to Madinah and get syahid so I will be buried in Jannatul Baqi'.

Berangan tak salah kan? 

Saturday 20 March 2021

20/03/21: Less everything

 I should start distancing myself from socmed

Because apparently what I say could hurt people, hurt my friend(s).

A few days ago, I said something about perfume

Then one of my friend replied with something like "or at least people will know you will swoon over it"

Then I realized, what she said was right

People will know I like that scent, not everyone

But also I might have hurt her feelings because she is one of the typical branded people, those that will go for brand 1st, other qualities 2nd. 

So I realized I have hurt her. Although unintentionally, I already did.

I always, always write insensitive stuffs online

I might have hurt a lot of friends

I might have drove away a lot of good potential suitors with my ill attitude

I might have talked too much

I present my ideas too much

I recommend things without being asked

I make it as if what I chose, what I did are the best things in life.

My thinking was too one dimensional. 

I should start being more cold.

Less talk. Less sharing.

Less everything.

Tuesday 16 March 2021

15/03/21: Ulangan Aku, Dia dan Tong Sampah di TV9

Cerita ni tahun 2012 tau. So long ago!
Cuma aku tak ingatlah first time tengok dulu tahun 2012 atau selepas tu. Tapi yang aku ingat, daripada cerita inilah aku mula dengar lagu Jatuh nyanyian Liyana Fizi.
And I really really like this song. Bunyinya lembut sangat, and it really fits my 22 year old self. Young and energetic. Still having hope. Haha~

Sekarang pun still ada hope, but different kind of course. Maklumlah bila dah makin tua ni, makin banyak faham sandiwara dunia. Kalau dulu nampak semua bunga-bunga, sekarang mula nampak tanah, duri, rumput, lumpur, ulat dan elemen-elemen lain selain bunga.
Ha gitulah bila perempuan dah mencapai satu tahap umur, dia takkan fun macam masa dia muda-muda.
I mean, ada fun dia inside, her childlike and spoilt self tapi benda tu dah susah nak dizahirkan, unless she really becomes comfortable with you lah.

Beginikah rasanya kasih
Yang tiada kacau keraguan
Terkunci matamu mencari
Berkata akulah yang dinanti
Berlagu berbisik hatimu
Aku jatuh

OMG, this song is really good. It really feels like Jatuh.
Like I was falling slowly off a mountain but I know I won't die from that fall, it felt more like flying.
Oh gituuu dramatik betul.
Well, susah nak cakap. 
I'm a hot mess. I do one thing and left one thing unattended. When I make time for the latter, I have other things in mind. God, I'm so disorganized. I hope that little little stuffs that I attended here and there will finally show their impact by 9th April at least, so I could have ten days rest before I embark on a new journey. Jyugyou ga shigatsu hatsuka ni hajimarimasu. My class will begin on April 20th. Semakin dekat semakin nervous. Dokidoki suru. But this is my choice. So I should brave it and make the most out of it right?

Rasa nak cakap pasal drama Aku Yang Kau Gelar Isteri tapi terlalu sampah so macam buang masa pula. Aku ni memilih sangat kalau nak tengok drama. Bila tertengok yang mengarut macam ni rasa oh bazirnya lahaii masa aku. Tadi dah episod last. Ntah apa-apa sungguh. Nak habaq pun tak taw lagu mana. Oh sudahlah. Baik ku tidur saja~ Zzzzz